Living Faith Service
Classic Service
Modern Service
What To Expect
On Sundays we worship in person for three different services during Lent. Our 8 am Living Faith Service is a service featuring preaching topics aiming to provide spiritual guidance and instruction. Our 9 am Classic Worship Service is marked by traditional hymns and liturgy elements while our 10:45 Modern Worship Service has a children’s moment and contemporary worship songs. We are a welcoming congregation where you may come just as you are, wearing your jeans and T-shirt or Sunday’s best. As long as our technology is working properly, both worship services are live streamed each week on our YouTube and Facebook pages as well.
Holy Communion is celebrated in all services on the first Sunday each month. The Communion Table in The United Methodist Tradition is open to all people. You do not need to be a member of this or any other church to participate. The Table and all it represents belongs to the Jesus and cannot be controlled or managed by human beings or the Church. As long as your heart longs to grow by grace in faith, you are invited to the table.
All are welcome in worship as we recognize the fullness of the body of Christ in the world is a diverse tapestry of people made in the image of God. As we are all created differently, we all come differently in the Church and the fellowship of believers. It is in our differences we find the wonder of the Holy One’s divine plan for humanity and all of creation.
Our 8:00, 9:15 and 10:45 services are all available in person and can be viewed online. You can register your attendance and share prayer requests through below links:
We apologize in advance if you experience any technical difficulties. Please reach out to us at for assistance and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We pray you are blessed by your time exploring our worship information and hope to see you soon as we praise the Lord.